Dec 5, 2010

Let it Begin

So this is the first post on what I hope to be an exciting adventure. I hope to use this blog not only to show the process in writing and illustrating this book (which may or may not be the correct process to take), but to also do what the purpose of the actual book is, which is raising the awareness of the need for clean water in third world countries and how easy it is to help out. I'm not going to Suzanne Sommers you, don't worry.

Before I go any further I wanted to let you know how this book came to be. I've always wanted to be an uber-famous children's author and illustrator and make Harry Potter moolah. Then you kinda realize if everybody thought like that, then we'd be in for one horrible helluva ride (which explains things like Jersey Shore). So I wanted to see what it would look like if I made this less about the money and more about something bigger than me. I am fortunate to have a pretty sweet full-time gig, so why not write a book and donate ALL of the money to a charity? So here we are. I know absolutely nothing about publishing a book or anything about that stuff so you know this is going to be fun!

I'll be revealing all of the details including the name of the charity and eventually how much this puppy makes and hopefully where the well will be built as time goes on. Things like this usually take more than one person to make happen so I'm counting on you guys to spread the word, especially once the book comes out. I'll be posting updates on Twitter so go ahead and follow me and let's do this! @Muddybeats. Word!

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