There it is. It's drawing nearer. I can taste it but I'm not quite there. Between work, snow and the book, this is how I'm feeling (just like Dewey).

I've got just 4 pages left then some minor revisions, the cover, choosing a charity (which I have one in mind) setting up some sort of online shop so I can sell the books unless someone at work is willing to buy all 300 (well, 298. I'll keep 1 for me and 1 for my mom) and I'm sure I'm missing some minor yet HUGE details.
Anyways, I do have a little more of my process to share. Remember how I had one file with all of the pages? I then created individual files for each page then threw them into InDesign so I could see what the pages would look like next to each other. In some cases, I didn't like the flow, so I needed to edit a page out, throw a new one in, or play with the story a little so I could flip a couple of pages. Here's a quick InDesign screen capture.

By seeing it all together like this I realized I had too many static poses. It is the look I'm going for, but I still needed to mix things up. I also realized I needed to change the color of one of the secondary characters because I am using certain colors to define certain characters. It sounds deep, but trust me, it ain't thaaaaat deep.
That's where I'll leave you with for now. Good night! Word!